Unrivaled Quality, Unbeatable Expertise: Covering You for Over 50 Years!
JMI Covers’ quality and constant innovation make us the industry’s frontrunner, which is why our products and services stand above the competition. JMI tarps and covers protect tens of millions of bushels each year. Our name is among the most trusted in the industry, and we pride ourselves on the quality of our product, work, and service. If you want to experience the JMI difference, contact us today for a free consultation.
contact usBuilding Tarps & Covers for Over 50 Years!
J&M Industries and its subsidiaries have been providing a wide variety of protective tarps and covers for many different industries including, agricultural, industrial, environmental, and athletics. Our covers are manufactured in a 120,000 square foot state-of-the-art expansion completed in 2015. Our 280,000 square foot headquarters allow for the space that’s needed to produce and store all of our products. Our protective covers are made to fit your specific requirements while safeguarding your investment.
learn moreTarps You Can Trust
Tarps & Covers
Tarp Innovations
Our team continues to create the latest innovations to produce the best products and services available. Our experience in the field and dialogue with our customers is what gives our team the insight required to improve our products. We have successfully patented products that continue to push the industry forward. We listen to the needs of our consumers, and our innovations are meant to aid them and their businesses.

Patented CoverGuard® Internal Strapping System

Air Intakes

HLT® Cover Connection Seams

Hand Straps